Where Everything You Want And Know Exists

Pianist Arthur Rubinstein described the power of momentary timeless pauses when he said, “The notes I play like every pianist. But the pauses, ahhh, the pauses.”

Einstein, ‘“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.”

Willam Blake, “To see a World in a Grain of Sand, And a Heaven in a Wild Flower. Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.”

Claude Debussy, “Music is in the space between the notes.”

Remember a time, maybe you had a conversation with a friend where no time had passed at all. Or you were eating a nice frozen yogurt swirl on a hot sunny day at the curb side watching people go by. Or you are hanging out with family and friends by a fire pit telling tales from the forest.

It is in these moments and space, where you are connected to all that is. That knowingness, that eternity, where time stands still. This is the space where your heart sings and soars. It connects with all other hearts that are in vibrational vicinity of yours.

It only takes 145,000 people connected to their high vibrational frequency to dramatically flip the balance of Earth even more to its natural positive state of beingness. Funny that! We have billions of people of Earth and only 1 in alignment or a just a few can change the course of this planet! Don’t you just love knowing that?!

Why, because positivity is an energy that expands! And negativity is an energy that collapses. That’s just plain physics! Expansion trumps negativity all the time! This is why when you hang out with people who are vibrating at a high frequency (positive people) you feel uplifted, light, joyful and you expand! Whereas, when you hang out with people who are negative you feel heavy, exhausted and drained!

So here is to more still moments, more moments of connectiveness to all that is, more moments of laughter, of fun, and play! More moments of the heart! This is all a part of the heart’s code and this is where EVERYTHING YOU WANT AND NEED TO KNOW EXISTS!

This is one entry point, the other(s) is EXCITEMENT!

Q- Boats don’t dock in turbulent waters. You keep the creative ideas and juices away when you send out ripples of frustration, anger, or impatience. But when you are still and steady, watch, JUST WATCH, all the IDEA BOATS, all THE PEOPLE BOATS, all the RESOURCES FLOOD YOUR SHORES!

Here’s to JUST BEING!!!!!


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