Click, Click, Click… Next scene, next scene, next scene. Who is there with you? Are there hills, an ocean, animals, flowers, trees? Do you have a lover? What does your home look like? Do you have a butler? Why not! As a child, do you remember the old red viewfinder where you place your eyes […]

Leveraging Your Dream State
Dreams: Not so long ago, in a galaxy, far far away! I had a dream (Pam.) In that dream, I was at a train station on one of the Asian continents. The signs were not something I found familiar and were in a foreign language. Luckily, a few spoke English so I was able to […]

Space: The Infinity of Beyond
As a kid, I always looked to the stars and wondered what was out there. I never wondered if we were alone, I thought that was absurd and only the ‘grown ups’ questioned that. A kid knows that there is life out there! As Jodie Foster said in the movie, Contact: “So if it’s just us…it seems […]

Parallel Realities: Tuning Multiple Streams of Consciousness into One
The scientists and inventors of this world, that integrate spiritual and non-physical phenomena into their realities and research, will flourish and create inventions far beyond what the world has seen today. “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its […]