So it is done, So let it be received.

The Power of Telempathy

β€œTHE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING US NOW. WE MUST BE NOTHING LESS THAN FABULOUS.” Emma Frost, X-Men     I think what I LOVED about the X-Men, A LOT! In addition to the Batman, Superman, even well, Star Wars Jedi training. Is that the X-Men were considered MUTANTS! or Hybrids for some – human and […]

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The Wonderful World of Channeling & The Cosmic Web

Channeling is tuning into infinite intelligence. That which is the very essence of your beingness. Artists channel. Writers channel. Speakers channel. Inventors channel. Entrepreneurs channel. YOU channel. Channeling just means translating a vibration (usually a high frequency) into the physical existence that is you. So one might ask, where do your thoughts come from? Where […]

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