Well, I just wanted any excuse to talk about Demi Moore because let’s face it, the woman is drop, dead gorgeous!
And let’s not forget, what other roles she played …. *coughs * Charlie’s Angels…and many other roles, but I digress.
I think we are all too familiar with the scene when Whoopi Goldberg, or Oda Mae Brown, goes into this ‘channeling’ state and sees ‘ghosts.’ Oh, you were thinking of the other scene below! Well more on that later!
In the scene I’M talking about, Whoopi, the channeller, goes into a channeling state and has an entity ‘enter’ her body (in a few scenes.)
First of all, let me be clear, and I am not the first to say this, this whole entering the body business, is archaic! In fact, it’s outdated! Time to move on! No body ‘enters’ your body, you are fully 1000% in your own, god damn body!
She was merely ‘translating,’ by being a receptacle, to the message she received. And she translated that message/image/whatever form it came in, for those around her, who didn’t open themselves to see it for themselves, in the first place. Period.
Now sometimes your voice may slightly change, your mannerisms, language, etc.. depending on your guide. Because that’s how THEY talk, and your body mimics that, vibrational translation. And if I am you, and you are me, well maybe they are merely entering a form of their OWN consciousness. Anyway, where was I again? Oh yah…
Secondly, let’s get back to Demi Moore.
Because, I just love saying her name, Demi Moore. In fact, Demi Moore, Demi Moore, Demi Moore! LOL Oh gawd, I’m having way too much with this, can you tell?!
I know Kermit, me too. Let’s just … settle down.
Now let’s get back to the movie Ghost, shall we.
In case you haven’t seen it, her husband was murdered. And then he goes back to basically solve his own mystery, in ghost form, hence ghost. He then seeks the assistance of Whoopi, the channeller, because she is the only one who can see him, at that time and she translates what he says to Demi (his love.) So yah, that sounds about right. Moving on…
It’s basically the same kind of theme as Interstellar, where the main character, goes back in ‘time,’ to give himself clues.
The question is, how do you navigate through the clues? Through the whispers? Or ‘penny’ drops? (watch the movie.)
From those who passed?
What I have noticed, through the sharing and honesty of my clients when they ask me questions regarding loved ones who passed, is that they are still hanging onto an old notion about that person, or holding onto an old persona.
Many times, healing is left, to occur.
Because the client hasn’t let go of something from that relationship.
But in fact, they haven’t let go of something WITHIN THEMSELVES.
Whether the other person is there or not, for the ‘letting go’ is irrelevant. It’s what you do now, within, that matters.
Sometimes, people just miss loved one who passed, deeply. And they ask me wondering, is my mum still around, what does my Dad think, are they still thinking about me? what do they think about the new house? he never got to see my kids and so forth.
The truth is, just like Whoopi, you can do this for yourself. As in, talk to them, directly!
I have a simple exercise I teach my clients, to help get them started.
So here’s a freebie. An exercise I do, to help my clients talk to their loved ones.
I tell them…go to a forest. No joke. This is what I tell them.
One where, no one is around, type of thing. It helps them feel ‘less silly’ sometimes if ‘no one is watching.’ And they feel safe and free to discuss whatever it is they want, in the privacy of trees. Plus nature, different topic, is a great balancer and uplifter of energies. But, I digress.
Stand there in the forest, and just listen to the trees and the wind for a bit. Hopefully there’s no bear around! (LOL, I had to! I know Pam, stop it!) Okay moving on…
So just stand there for a bit and JUST BE.
And when YOU are ready.
And you get that inclination or nudge…to speak whatever it is that you want to, speak to the deceased or loved one, as if they were,
Again, wow, these movie scenes, seem to have ‘patterns’ to them. Don’t they?
Basically, those ‘infinity beings,’ show up to your allowing, and are just clueing you, to be more of your greatness! Maybe other guides show up! Just don’t take yourself too seriously if this happens. Rather ask them questions and be curious. But that’s a bit of a master class. Hence why starting with loved ones who passed, is a bit of an easier stepping stone.
For your first time, when you are speaking to loved ones who passed, it may get a bit emotional. And that’s okay.
And if you want to cry, cry.
If you want shout, scream!
If you want to yell, roar!
If you want to say you miss them, tell them.
Grab a rock and throw it at them (you won’t hurt them.) They are nonphysical remember. And if you’re really upset and mad, that they decided to leave. Tell them. Tell them how much you wanted them there, when you needed them the most.
Like Demi Moore, in the movie, cry and get upset.
Tell them what a jerk they are! Or maybe, how much you still love them?
And after all that, after that ‘release.’
Something is going to happen.
A SHIFT is going to occur.
I call it, THE RED ORB!
Why Red? Because it’s the color of the body!
It’s passionate, its fiery, it’s alive! It’s senses! It’s getting your hands dirty in the clay! (oh there’s that movie scene again.)
And as my friend, Terry Shane, Your Muse says: ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE SEDUCED BY LIFE!
Don’t be afraid of your emotions! Express yourself!
Emotions SERVE YOU! Navigate through them, or hire an expert, someone you trust, to help you co-captain your emotional ship!
But once you release it, and fully let go, you now let go of a past self and re-emerge as a NEW YOU!
And KA-POW! What a beautiful thing! METAMORPHOSIS! Look at you FLY!
And who knows, in the sanctity of the woods, the ‘other’ person or maybe being(s), or thing, or STAR LIGHT, you were ‘holding space for,’ may just show up and talk back.
And now, you’re having a conversation, in the woods, with a loved one, and it may look like you’re talking to yourself but now you know better. Because you are a superhero with super-natural abilities. Right? Go figure!
And just like Demi, in the movie.
You get to decide if you still want to build a relationship with that person or not. (we’ll keep it, human guides, for now.)
Because just like Sam (Patrick Swayze,) they are always assisting in some shape, way, or form.
Just watch your ‘penny’ drop moments (GHOST.)
Or ‘book shelf’ moments (INTERSTELLAR.)
Or, ‘will of the wisp’ moments (BRAVE.)
To catch your clues!
And just like that, the beautiful unfolding, of that which is you, begins! For it never ends!
Anyway, love you heaps and… ‘Ditto’ (movie reference)
Now let’s make the impossible, possible!
And mould matter, into clay! Everyone has to start, somewhere.
It’s in-between the middle of nowhere and right here.
Hugs! XO
Image credit: Movie Ghost