Well, I’m not a fan of HOW TO GUIDE’s but basic guidelines or rules of play…I am okay with! Sometimes when you Astral Project, or what people call, Astral Travel, you are quite LITERALLY projecting YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS into ANOTHER REALITY! How f**king cool is that?! Into another Plane! Yes, a Plane! Isn’t it funny how […]

Let’s all talk about Demi Moore shall we? Oh, and Ghosts
Well, I just wanted any excuse to talk about Demi Moore because let’s face it, the woman is drop, dead gorgeous! And let’s not forget, what other roles she played …. *coughs * Charlie’s Angels…and many other roles, but I digress. I think we are all too familiar with the scene when Whoopi Goldberg, or […]

Are you ready for it?
It wasn’t too long ago, when I had a dream, that was life altering for me. This was after my Dad had passed away. And I was starting to venture into the wonderful world of the non-physical realm. Wondering, hey, where’d he go? It just couldn’t be that one day he was here, and the […]

Synesthesia – What does the colour blue, taste like?
Welcome to the world of activating your senses! YAAASSS!!! So, what exactly is a Synesthesia? A Synesthesia, is someone who uses their OTHER SENSES, to detect….another sense. Is that clear as mud? Well, alright then! Let’s just work it out with an example, shall we. Are you familiar with Lorde? The singer who received two […]

Are there such things as … Dark Energies or Not So Kind, Spirits?
Oh Kermit…take it easy… We are just asking, if there are bad ass energies out there… The answer is… YES, yes there are! Okay end blog! Thanks for reading! But wait, PAM?! How can you leave us hanging there….what are we going to do about the (gulp)…dot, dot, dot..monsters?! […]

How to Speak to Spirit Guides
Then let’s begin. Step 1: Do you really want to speak to spirit guides? Like really, really, want it, that bad? Like a burning desire to do it? You do? Okay good. Now move onto Step 2. If no, for step 1, then stop reading this post. If you are curious, continue onward. Step […]

The Power of Telempathy
“THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING US NOW. WE MUST BE NOTHING LESS THAN FABULOUS.” Emma Frost, X-Men I think what I LOVED about the X-Men, A LOT! In addition to the Batman, Superman, even well, Star Wars Jedi training. Is that the X-Men were considered MUTANTS! or Hybrids for some – human and […]

WARNING: The following content is intended for Superheroes Only
The following content is intended for superheroes only. Those who are not ready to answer the call, look away! Sending out the batman signal for those, who want to dive into their ‘super-natural’ abilities! Are you ready for it? On Feb 19th, 2018…The Academy of Superheroes, will be launched and the training centre, will commence shortly. […]