Buckminster Fuller – The Real Story behind the Geodesic Domes

The story I am about to share with you is so profound yet so ‘out there’ it may be ‘beyond belief’ for some readers. It is one of those amazing, unique stories that demonstrates the powerful spirit of this brilliant being we have come to know as the brilliant American inventor, architect, theorist, author and so much more, Buckminster Fuller.

I want to share with you a specific story in his life. Some might call it the tipping point.

I am going to take you back to autumn of 1927. Fuller, then aged 32 was contemplating suicide and was battling depression dealing with the death of his daughter, Alexandra, who died in 1922.  Fuller just lost his job and had absolutely no savings to fall back on to support his family.  Fuller was contemplating suicide so that his family could benefit from a life insurance payment.

What happened next was astounding. Fuller said he experienced an epiphany that would change the course of his life and would regain his sense of direction and purpose in his life.

Fuller described an incident where he felt he was suspended several feet above the ground enclosed in a white sphere of light.  A voice spoke to him. It said:

“From now on you need never await temporal attestation to your thought. You think the truth. You do not have the right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to you. You belong to Universe. Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experiences to the highest advantage of others.”

Historians claim that this suicide story may be a myth and maybe something Fuller ‘constructed’ later in his life but I will let you ascertain what you want from this information. Fuller would recount this story during his lectures and make references to this event and the profound impact it had on his life.

I find the Geodesic Dome and the Sphere of Life to be the same. You see, from a vibrational standpoint, Fuller was at a part of his life where he had nothing else to lose. There was no resistance anymore. He, as he saw it, hit rock bottom. And with no resistance, a light shined through. Literally. We have since come to the understanding that we don’t have to wait to hit rock bottom, we can ‘catch ourselves’ higher along the emotional scale but in Fuller’s case it was depression.

I teach my clients on a daily basis how to tap into this stream of consciousness. Their intuition; their inspired impulses; to train their vibration; train their mind; to be a Master of their mind instead of a slave to their thoughts; to tap into the same stream that the Wright brothers said,

“Isn’t it astonishing that all these secrets have been preserved for so many years just so we could discover them!”

Thought is non-physical. Thought is vibration. Thought is waiting to be received by a receiver. The receiver must be a match to that thought. A vibrational match. That is how it finds ‘it’s landing ground.’

In fact, according to Abraham, there are discs of thoughts. The disc depends on the frequency of your vibration. If you are vibrating at a 10 disc, a disc of happiness, then you access those thoughts, ideas, inventions, abundance, excitement.  If you are on an ornery disc, you access those thoughts and the things people thought while they were on that disc.  You have access to the universal stream and access to not only your own thoughts but the thoughts of humanity! Of all beings! We also do this with our hearts. Yes! Our hearts.

Did you know that the human heart has intelligence? All our hearts are talking to one another literally, in electromagnetic impulses. Every single beat of the heart sends out an electromagnetic pulse at 360 thousand miles per second. Isn’t that something?

You can read all about it in The Heart’s Code by Paul Pearsall, PhD.

In fact, the people on Earth are known as the Masters of Limitation. Why? Because you are so loved, so unconditionally loved, that Love gifted you with the choice to separate yourself from it. From God. From the infinite. You are so loved you are given the illusion of this limitation. Hence, Masters of Limitation – Bashar.

The gift of flight. The musical masterpieces. The next great inventions; these are all accessible to everyone! Thoughts and ideas do not discriminate by age, sex, gender, race. It only pays attention to the signal you are emitting. Once you release resistance and raise your vibration, it will find you. Be prepared. It may come in the shape of a dome!

I show people how to connect the two. Non-physical and physical. There is no separation. This universe we are all part of is all-inclusive. That is why we are able to feel negative emotion, because we are loved unconditionally all the time. It is all tapping into this universal stream of consciousness that we all pulsate from.

Buckminster Fuller once stated,

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

I do this with my clients all day everyday.

I remember sitting at a speech with thousands of people. Henry Kissinger was speaking. He was saying that in order to take down an ideology one must tear another’s apart. Deconstruct it. Show them their own weaknesses. Then build a new one back up. Many people just show how great theirs is instead of deconstructing another’s.

I thought, “Hey, that makes sense but what a waste of energy! To tear down the old sand castle and build a new one on top.”

Why not just focus your energy fully on the new? With CEOs, I fully focus on the present and where they are going. Many want to talk about what hasn’t worked in the past or trying to untie this knot they created. I give them a new rope and have them climb out. You CAN go untie the old one and pull yourself up but if someone threw you a new rope would you spend your time sitting in the hole saying “Hang on, I think I got it, just a few more months and I’m done!” Well isn’t this what some of you do? It’s ridiculous!

Where attention goes, energy flows. And wherever energy flow, things manifest! So you might as well spend your time focusing on the new. Period!

Bashar once said, “By just creating a new belief, you don’t ever have to go back to the old belief.  The new belief eradicates the old belief because it no longer serves you.” It really IS that simple.

So, now knowing you can tap into these secrets of the universe easily and freely, it truly is a free energy market. It is yours to claim. It is your birthright. Given to everybody. Now, Go claim your victories!


To read more about this remarkable and his story you can the book by Lloyd Steven Sieden, Buckminster Fuller’s Universe: His Life and Work.

Also, a great breakdown of his life can be found on Wikipedia with additional resources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckminster_Fuller#cite_note-Sieden-p87-8

Buckminster Fuller Institute:


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